Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sept 28, 2009

This week was a really really great one! We had some wonderful lessons and our investigators are progressing and it's been great to watch. I've strengthened my testimony of the Holy Ghost this week and also that we have been called and set apart as servants of God. One of our investigators, Chang, told us she feels so different when we come and it makes her feel happy. She said it's just this wonderful feeling that she only feels when we come over. She said she was telling her friends all about how she felt when we would come over and how she wanted to feel it all the time. We told her if she is baptized, she receives the gift of the holy ghost and as long as she is living the way Heavenly Father wants her to be, she can have it all the time. She got this shocked look on her face and she said, "You mean you have this feeling with you ALL the time?!" It was amazing and it strengthened my testimony very much so. We were also able to go with Paishan to do baptisms at the Temple and she had a smile from the time we arrived and it never diminished. It's been amazing to see her progress and her testimony is blossoming. We had an investigator who came to church for his first time and she's the one coming up and saying hi and introducing herself now. She's a great member missionary. I'm so greatful to have the gospel in my life and to have been given the opportunity to be on a mission and preach the gospel to all those who are prepared. My health issues haven't been fun in the least, but I have truly learned from them and continue to do so each day. Challenges are always what help you grow the most. I didn't know if I was ready to train and I was nervous, but I learned so much about myself and my testimony increased immensely and I was able to do it because the Lord was always with me. So transfer calls are Saturday and I'm pretty sure I'm outta here:( I really wouldn't be upset if they called and told me I'm staying here the rest of my mission. It's become my home and the ward is like my family(just for the time being) and we have so many investigators that are doing awesome right now so I don't want to leave but I know I will go where the Lord needs me right now. The other areas I'd go to are Katy which is like 3 hours from here, Tomball which is close to Houston, and Montgomery which is like an hour from here or so. I'm excited to see a new area and meet new investigators and have new places to tract, but starting in a new ward will be a different experience. Interviews are this thursday I always love interviews. President Hansen is so amazing he's just so caring and loving and has such a great testimony of this gospel and of the work. Plus he's had to put up with me and my health issues so he's awesome... I am going to send pictures so mom you can just forward them to the rest of yall. General Conference this weekend! I'm so excited it's going to be amazing! Tell Shanface good luck on her mission and I love her so very much and she's gonna be a wonderful missionary! Love you kids!
Sister Davis

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