Saturday, July 3, 2010

March 8,2010

This week went really well. The weather has been gorgeous and I am starting to realize why people live in Texas and bear the summer...because the spring is really perfect. This week we were able to see a lot of people and teach a lot of lessons and I can't believe it's already p day again it goes by so fast it's really crazy. I'll be home 6 months from today and that just is so soon to me. I am loving life it's so amazing. So this week we were biking to an appointment and we were about 20 minutes early so we biked over to a less active to try and see them and they weren't home and so we biked back to our appointment but we went a different way than usual and we passed this lady who was sitting on the curb with her son and she said hi and waved and we waved back and kept biking. and then I was like what are you doing? Go talk to her! but I was already past her and it would look weird if I just turned around, but the prompting came again so I decided if I wanted the Lord to give me any more promptings I better act on the ones I do receive. So we turned around and went and talked to her and asked her if she'd be interested in learning more and she said she would and so we taught her the next day! and she committed to baptism when she finds out it's true. She's really nice and she has changed her life around a ton. She was on the streets up until a year and a half ago and she was a crack addict and now she's been clean for that long. she had 6 kids but she only has 2 now, but they are so sweet and they are 10 and 12. And they were excited to come to church and we just had to find them a ride cause they didn't have a car so we called our ward mission leader and he said he'd find one and then in the meeting sunday morning he hadn't found anyone but said he would. well after sacrament meeting i asked him where they were and he was like "I just couldn't find a ride for them." I was like what! I was so upset about it I couldn't believe he didn't even call us or tell us at all and they were waiting to come and he jsut didn't find anyone. I was really frustrated, but next week they will be there for sure. Anyways all is great and wonderful hope everyone is loving life!
Sister Davis

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