's life?! Katy is rockin I'm lovin' it. This week has been wonderful as far as the weather goes! It's starting to get more humid and hot but right now it's still perfect! We found 2 new investigators this past week which was super. One is an 87 year old woman and she was at a neighbor's house who is a member but less active and her visiting teacher came over and the 87 year old, Joy, really felt the spirit and a warmth from the visiting teacher and wanted to know more! It's awesome she's an incredible lady. After we taught her for the first time we gave her a Book of Mormon and she was so excited and grateful and she kissed the Book haha. The other is a 27 year old guy but has the mind of a 13 year old and he lives right below us and last week we were sitting out by the pool writing letters and reading and such and he was swimming and asked us what we were doing and we told him writing letters and reading and he said he wished he could do that and we asked him why he couldn't and he said he never learned to read! So I said we'll teach you to read and we set up an appt for the following day and we ended up teaching him the Restoration and he liked it so much and when we met with him the next day he told us how he felt soo different yesterday like when we were talking to him he just felt this really good feeling inside...that Holy Ghost is somethingelse I tell you! It's so amazing when people feel the Spirit and try to describe it to you. It's the best feeling for sure! And he is gonna quit smoking now so we've been working with him on that. One day after he decided to quit we came home from district meeting and he was outside and he was smoking and I was like, "Matt! You're smoking! Don't do it! Throw it! Stomp on it! Put it out!" and he takes it and throws it down and stomps all over it and he's like, "Yeah!" it was so funny. So yeah it's a work in progress but we meet with him 3 times a week so I think that will help him be able to quit. Oh and Ron is doing so good!! I couldn't believe this week when we taught him we taught about prayer and at teh end of the lesson I asked him how his prayers were going and he said, "Oh my prayers are good I have always prayed. I've prayed since my second day in basic training. But what I do need is a reading assignment. Because I have a half hour for lunch and I sleep for 15 and then read for 15 but it takes me like my whole 15 minutes to find a place to read!" That was like the coolest thing to hear!! We stopped giving him reading assignments because he never did the ones we gave him and now to hear him asking for them! It was soo awesome! and he still hasn't drank! His daughter told the YW president that he's completely different. She's like, "I keep questioning myself if that is really my dad! It's so good for teh family it's so much happier to be home." Little miracles make the big ones! So yes this week was really good. We got transfer calls Saturday. I'm staying here and training. It's not really what I was hoping for but I guess the Lord knows best. I kind of feel like I have been training my whole mission. It can be stressful, but I'm used to it now so it shouldn't be anything new. We'll go to the mission home on Thursday for breakfast and to pick her up and then we get to go to the Temple! That is oen plus of get to do an extra session at the Temple that transfer! Well love you guys and I hope everything is good will everyone and their happy lives!
Sister Davis
Saturday, July 3, 2010
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