Hi how is everyone?! College Station is so great I'm just loving every minute of it! It's so hott!!! Seriously this is one of the hottest summers they've ever had; they said it's like August right now...and of course it had to be the summer I'm here! But nonetheless we're enjoying it and really it just makes you work harder finding investigators and appointments because then you aren't out in the heat! We went on a couple splits this past week and that was fun. We taught Pai Shan about temple work and she had a ton of questions about that so that was really good! and we taught Nazhang the Restoration again. She's understanding us more now and so we decided it'd be good to go over the restoration and understand the importance of that. But yeah and both Nazhang and Paishan came to a baptism last night and Pai shan had a ton of question about that let me tell you! At first she was so confused when Jonathan went under water! She was just looking around at everyone wondering why they didn't all think it was as weird as she did! But she wanted to know if she could choose anyone to baptize her and I explained about teh priesthood and I thought she understood but then she asked If I could haha so apparently she didn't...but by the end she did and so we're going to set a date with her when we meet with her tomorrow night. We saw a less active lady at church last Sunday and she is very very inactive and teh only reason we knew what she looked like is because before I came in Sis Lieber and Cook went and saw her. But anyways so we wanted to visit her this saturday and make sure she was coming to church. so we went to her apt and she opened the door and let us in and she has 4 chihuahuas...cute right? Well if they were 4 porters it would be but these chihuahuas had to be part tigers or soemthing I'm serious they just wanted to tear us apart!!! Oh my I have never been so scared in my life!! and this one black one named Chico is like on steroids and it came at me and totally bit me!!! But I'm telling you it was the strangest thing because it didn't hurt at all and he didn't break skin so I know Heavenly Father was protecting me! I just didn't know what to do cause I'm like okay this is a less active I'm not gonna kick her dog I actually want her to come back to church not hate the church! So anyways after that whole dramatic episode we sat down and she's like "I was wondering where I could get a book of mormon, like the one with teh bible and the book of mormon together. Oh and I need to get a subscription the the Ensign where can I do that?" We were just blown away!! We don't know what happened to ehr but she is just ready for the church back in her life! So we're meeting with her again this thursday but tehre's no way I'm going back to her apt so we are meeting at the Cluff's cause Bro. Cluff is her home teacher! So that was the greatest story of the week! One downer was that we were suppose to meet with JC after church yesterday and he came to church and everything and then after church he was liek I need to go to the bathroom so we waited for awhile and he never came back! He totally stood us up!! and he didn't call us back! So that was super devastating but as hard as it is, you have to train yourself to realize they aren't rejecting you, they are rejecting your message and we can't force them to accept it we can only bring the spirit into the conversation and teach what we know to be true. then it's their choice to accept or reject the spirit. Anyways we taught 30 lessons this week so it's our record so far! It's insane cause we don't even feel like we're working like super hard or anything, which is good cause the numbers are working for us and we aren't working for the numbers. Other then that everything else is just awesome!! Hope everyone has a great 4th of July! We are spending it with Yuki and Cynthia...since they don't care to much about it and we just love them! Oh and we just went to the temple thursday so that was an amazing experience...gets better every time! and we have transfers is a couple days...on the 15th! I think I'm staying though since I'm in the middle of my breathing tests...which is good I think I just want to have tests my whole mission! haha not really but I love College Station it's the best place to be! K I have to go but I love you all and miss you so much!
Sis Davis
Monday, June 29, 2009
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